Mental Health Training
An introduction to mental health in the workplace
What is Mental Health Training?
The mental health training I deliver is an on-site workshop designed to introduce managers, supervisors and HR staff in identifying, understanding and talking about their staff’s mental health and wellbeing.
“Your interactive style was perfect, as everyone took something away from it.”
My approach is very interactive and won’t involve just sitting in front of a presentation or being talked at.
By the end of the training, all attendees will know how to:
- Identify the signs of poor mental health
- Have a conversation with a staff member about mental health
- Prevent absence due to mental health issues
- Provide an early supported return to work that prevents recurrent absence
- Sign-post to support services
- Adopt and ensure best practices in the workplace
If you would like to discuss training structure, please give me a call on 07884 076 949
Why is Mental Health Training important?
People that feel good about themselves often work productively, interact well with colleagues and make a valuable contribution to the workplace.
According to a Business in the Community report, 61% of employees have experienced a mental health problem due to work and 1 in 3 have been diagnosed with a mental health issue. Furthermore, a recent Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development study highlighted the impact that mental ill-health can have on organisations.
The study found that:
- 37% of sufferers are more likely to get into conflict with colleagues
- 57% find it harder to juggle multiple tasks
- 80% find it difficult to concentrate
- 62% take longer to do tasks
- 50% are potentially less patient with customers/clients.
It also found that – for the first time – stress is the major cause of long-term absence in manual and non-manual workers.
Investing in mental health training will help to get your workforce talking about mental health, contribute to reducing the stigma surrounding mental health, and reduce the business costs associated with mental ill-health.
How much does the training cost?
The cost of this service is £1110/day for on-site attendance and a maximum of 15 attendees. If you require support for larger numbers, please contact me directly to discuss.
To find out more about on-site mental health training or to book training, get in touch with me today.