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Covid-19 Update

Using the term “post COVID“ suggests that COVID is either on holiday or given up on us mere mortals! At Breakaway SW Counselling some restrictions remain in place in an effort to keep everyone well and to be able to continue to see patients.

These limited restrictions are not intrusive just sensible.

Please don’t hesitate to call on 01822 832082 or 07884076949 for face to face appointments, video or phone. No long waiting lists!

We still have a one-way system in the building.

Patients are asked to message when leaving the car park (2 mins away) so that we can facilitate safe entry, and we are operating on the basis of ‘no appointment, no entry’ until further notice.

Hand sanitiser and gloves are available for patients upon entering the consultation rooms, and patients are welcome to wear face coverings.

Unfortunately, I will not able to meet with Patients who:
  • Have tested positive for Covid-19 in the last 7 days
  • Are waiting for a Covid-19 test or results
  • Are themselves, or live with someone who is, experiencing a fever, new or continuous cough, a loss of, or change to, their ability to taste or smell
  • Live with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19
  • Have been notified by NHS Test and Trace in the last 14 days that you are a contact of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19

Please let me know if you’re unable to attend an appointment in person. I am continuing to offer appointments via telephone, FaceTime and WhatsApp.

Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to book an appointment.




Are you dealing with anxiety, depression, trauma or a fractured relationship?

Feeling confused, unhappy or out of control?

I am here to help.


Life Can Be Challenging Sometimes

There are times when life can be challenging, frustrating or just downright chaotic. It’s during these times when seeking the help of a professional therapist can be both useful and empowering.

You deserve to be listened to without judgement and get the help you need. Here at Breakaway SW Counselling, I can help you work towards overcoming obstacles and making lasting, positive changes in your life. 

I offer face to face counselling at my office in the heart of Tavistock or via telephone, Skype or Doxy.me from the comfort of your own home/safe space. 

Find out more about how therapy can help here.


What Can I Help With?

Even when things feel overwhelming and emotional wellbeing feels out of reach, counselling can help. We’re all unique so my approach is fully tailored to you and your individual needs. 

Here is just a selection of the struggles, behaviours, thoughts and feelings I can help you with:

Depression and Anxiety

Sex and Relationship Problems

Anger Management

Coping with Stress

Managing Change

Mood Instability 


Self-Improvement and Personal Growth

Get in touch to arrange a conversation.

Patient Testimonials


Just some of the lovely testimonials recently received.

Kathy has really helped me

I have been in and out of therapy for a very long time and none of them seemed to be right. Then I met Kathy. Kathy has helped me develop confidence in myself and in talking about difficulties I have face in the past and things I still face now. I have always thought that

Thank you Kathy

Seeking help from a counselling service was a first for me. Over the last few years I have been struggling with a personal issue which I was reluctant to face but managed to hide it from my everyday life. The final straw for me was when I was facing redundancy from a job I loved

Heather, 39

Extremely professional

Extremely professional and clearly experienced Therapist demonstrating sympathetic yet helpfully empathic support.


When I first came to Kathy Kelly I was very anxious, prone to depression, had low self-esteem and was suffering from frequent panic attacks. It was a revelation to feel “better” after just one session! Without wishing to sound overly dramatic, I can say that these sessions have turned a corner in my life to

Kathy was amazing

Kathy was amazing with helping me with my issues and has helped me do what’s right with work and to look at things from a better point of view. Thanks very much.

Absolutely fantastic!

Absolutely fantastic! Regained all the confidence I had lost over the past few years – thank you very much!

[/vc_column_text][vc_separator][vc_column_text]Ready to find your voice and make lasting, positive changes in your life?

To arrange a 100% professional and confidential counselling appointment, get in touch with me today.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/6"][/vc_column][/vc_row]