

Life Coaching

Is every day starting to feel like ‘Groundhog Day’?

Stuck in a rut at work and not sure what to do to move forward in life?

Struggling to set and achieve realistic personal goals?

What is life coaching?

Just like sports coaches help guide athletes in the right direction, life coaching is aimed at helping individuals meet their personal or business goals. By guiding you to see your life from a different perspective, the ultimate aim is to help you make decisions, build your confidence and move forward.

Unlike a mentor who will usually give you answers, a coach will help you to discover your own valuable answers.  

How does life coaching work?

The first step in life coaching is exploring what you would like to achieve and setting clear goals so that you can implement positive changes during a defined timeframe. 

To help you set your goals we will divide your life up into different areas, such as relationships, finances, education, professional development etc., and score each from 0 (totally unsatisfied) to 10 (totally satisfied). Once we have these scores, we decide what you can do and what actions you can take to improve them and when by. 

For example, I worked with one patient who was chronically anxious and lacking in confidence. He had dropped out of university and a 3-year degree course felt like an unachievable time frame for him. We worked together to formulate a plan with small, bite-sized pieces that helped him return to university. 

I will always work with you on the principle of when not if!

Find out more about me and my approach here.

Can coaching help me?

Whether you’re a professional looking to maximise your potential or someone who’s just starting out and want to set a clear direction, coaching can help. 

The process of coaching will help you to develop skills and knowledge, achieve your objectives and escape the ‘rut’ you currently feel stuck in. 

How much does coaching cost?

Coaching is usually a short-term process and costs just £80 for a 50-minute session or £160 for 1h 40m. 

Are you ready to make some much-needed changes in your professional or personal life?

For more information about professional life coaching with me or to arrange a coaching session, get in touch with me today.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]